
Phosphine-Stabilized Germylidenylpnictinidenes as Synthetic Equivalents of Heavier Nitrile and Isocyanide in Cycloaddition Reactions with Alkynes

The reactions of chlorogermylene MsFluindtBu-GeCl 1, supported by a sterically encumbered hydrindacene ligand MsFluindtBu, with NaPCO(dioxane)2.5 and NaAsCO(18-c-6) in the presence of trimethylphosphine afforded trimethylphosphine-stabilized germylidenyl-phosphinidene 2 and -arsinidene 3, respectively. Structural and computational investigations reveal that the Ge–E′ bond (E′ = P and As) features a multiple-bond character.

The phosphaethynolate anion reacts with unsaturated bonds: DFT investigations into [2+2], [3+2] and [4+2] cycloadditions

Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were carried out to investigate the [2+2], [3+2] and [4+2] cycloadditions of the phosphaethynolate anion (PCO−). The results reveal that the electronic properties of different unsaturated compounds play a crucial role in reactivity and regioselectivity.!divAbstract